Welcome to Ms. McNeil's 8th grade math class!  As you enter this milestone year, it is imperative that you approach this year with the expectation of success!  The 8th grade is filled with many new challenges.  They may range from passing your CRCT to choosing which songs to put on your iPod.  Whatever the case, remember that you are responsible for what you put in your minds.  I am always available to help you achieve success with hardwork and dedication.

I am here to be your coach and your cheerleader.  I will work hard to coach, guide, and give you what you need at practice.  The concepts you learn in school, at home, in after school tutorials, or Saturday school, will equip you with the tools that are essential to win the game.  In addition, I will be your #1 fan (cheerleader).  I will be here to encourage you to practice problems and motivate you to keep working hard for yourself and the team-you, me, your family, & Macintyre Park.  All in all, it will be a great season if you show up for practice. WE WILL WIN THE GAME BY PASSING CLASSES AND THE CRCT!!

Passing the 8th grade is our goal & our expectation.  However, we cannot do it without hardwork and dedication from you.  Coming to class prepared with pencils and workbooks daily helps us prepare for success.